Given the
power and status of the European nations in the year 1400, Europe’s
rise to world hegemony in the period 1400-1914 appears both unlikely
and surprising. The factors that account for this development are the
fodder for intense debates among historians. Jared Diamond in Guns,
Germs and Steel, and Victor Davis Hanson, in Carnage and Culture
offer two startling different arguments that attempt to explain the
rise of the West. Outline the arguments of both Hanson and Diamond,
analyze their strengths and weaknesses and indicate what argument is
more credible and convincing.
Diamond, Jared. Guns, Germs and Steel:
The Fates of Human Societies. New York, NY: Norton & Co., 1997.
Hanson, Victor Davis. Carnage and
Culture: Landmark Battles in the Rise of Western Power. New York, NY:
Anchor Books, 2001.
“the race
is not won by the swift, nor the battle by the valiant, nor a
livelihood by the wise, nor riches by the shrewd, nor favor by the
experts; for a time of calamity comes to all alike.”
Ecclesiastes 9:11
![]() |
Jared Diamond Ph D. UCLA |
![]() |
Victor Davis Hanson Ph D. Stanford |
Part of the problem
in explaining the Rise of the West is the question itself. Suicide
by a germ or by a cold steel is still suicide. One doesn’t have
to be the Archbishop of Canterbury1
or carry colossal car note to know that very few things in life are
an either or proposition. Why can’t the customer have both ketchup
and mustard? Why aren’t there more tools in the toolbox besides
hammers and nails? Not every problems needs a hammer or a nail -
sometimes - a little glue will do. Do we have glue? Can we make
Yali |
Look on my works, ye
Mighty, and despair!'6
The white man does
have more stuff than the black, brown, yellow, and red.7
What good does it do a man to be intelligent or rich if he has no
Even Diamond agrees. Even if to accept the premise of the question,
the West enjoyed a 514 year supremacy, what good is that supremacy to
the white corpse unburied in a field in Flanders? Achilles offered
to trade places the black, brown, yellow, and red, but was refused.9
Further, the Mohammedan displaces the white man of Europe.10
The #AltRight will cry White Genocide, but they themselves don't
have big families nor are they willing fight or die for their God.11
Charles Martel did not wave an Atheist flag.12
![]() |
Germs |
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Guns circa 1521 A.D. |
![]() |
Steel |
Diamond also does
not discuss Hernan Cortes with the detail the subject deserves.
Guns, Germs and Steel does not describe the guile, the daring or the
bravery of Cortes nor does it describe the caution, indecision and
almost arrogant incompetence of Montezuma. Governor Velasquez
changed his mind about who would led the Cortes expedition. Cortes
had to navigate the new lands of the Mexican coast. He had to defend
himself from attack. He had to make allies with a strange and alien
peoples. Serendipitously, Cortes meets Geronimo de Aguilar, a
captured Franciscan priest and Malinche, a former Indian slave girl
who translate for Cortes. Guns, germs and steel do not account for
these coincidences.
![]() |
Hernan Cortes |
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Francisco de Cordoba |
Despite revisionist
attempts to weaponize small pox against the Indians, parasites don’t
care about the nationality of its host. It is true that Europeans
developed an immunity to germs born of husbandry. But not all
Europeans were so lucky. Many Native allies to Cortes and Pizarro
died at the hands of these “weaponized” parasites. Thus the
reign falls on both good and evil alike.14
But the greatest
critique of Diamond’s work is the author himself, who inoculates
his argument be revealing the limitations of his geographic
determinist theses. On his website, he talks about how Guns, Germs
and Steel did not account for Claus von Stauffenberg’s failed15
assassination attempt against his Furher. Geographic determinism
does not account for differences between North Korea and South Korea
or East Germany and West Germany during the Cold War. Geographic
determinism does not explain 16”
“differences between the attitudes of
French and German people, e.g. towards obedience, eating foie gras
and frogs, and admiring Wagner’s music. These differences are
viewed as products of French and German culture and history for which
no plausible geographic explanations have been advanced. German as
well as French geography provides geese and frogs.
![]() |
Scholars Will and Ariel Durant |
The question not
asked by Yali, the question inside Yali’s Big Question from 1972
disturbs the reader and the author. The silence of the author in
never addressing this question disturbs with greater horror. Why?
If the white man is lucky and black man is not, then why is that the
case? This is where it is important to know where Hanson and Diamond
agree. Diamond and Hanson reject racism. To his credit, Diamond
out of his way to express his admiration and extoll the
superiority of Stone Age peoples against modern man. Both men
concede that supremacy can be lost and agree with Toynbee that
civilizations fail because they commit suicide. Will Durant and
Hanson agree that civilizational suicide stems from moral decay.
Toynbee and Diamond believe civilizational suicide stems from a
failure to solve problems. Both Diamond and Hanson dismiss religion
and philosophy as periphery or ineffective factors to the rise of the
West. Both Diamond and Hanson (despite both of them having never
served in the military) place too much importance on the role of war
and soldiery on civilizational revitalization and collapse.
![]() |
Arnold Toynbee |
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Battle of Salamis 480 B.C. |
Hanson responded to
Diamond within 4 years. Diamond spent 25 years writing his book.
Hanson uses traditional narrative style in making his points.
Diamond argues from analogy comparing Oceanic peoples to peoples on
the Eurasian land
mass. Diamond uses a lot of his interdisciplinary
skills such as scientific speculation to get around the “What if”
history and proving a negative that Diamond frequently engages in,
practices traditional historians poo poo. That said, Hanson has the
right conclusion: Western cultures enjoy a fleeting superiority.
Hanson does not fortify his argument very effectively.
![]() |
Battle of Gaugamela 331 B.C. |
Hanson depends on 9
battles over 4,000 year history. Even if you buy the premise that
wars decide whether civilizations die or thrive, even if you believe
that cultures produce the soldiers and therefore wars are cultural
products, why these 9 battles? Why only 9? Why not more? Since only
7 of the 9 battles precede 1914, we will only consider Salamis,
Gaugamela, Cannae, Pontiers, Tenochitlan, Lepanto, and Rourke's Drift
and exclude Midway and the Tet Offensive17.
![]() |
Cannae |
Despite Hanson's
clunky tendency to redundancy, Hanson does bring new insights to
battle analysis. His work on Salamis buttresses his expertise as a
Classicist. The ethnicity of Persians in both the battles of Salamis
and Gaugamela as representing an alien race in contrast to the
European Greeks paints the blackamoor white. Xenophon would not have
agreed. Further the Greeks had considerable contact with Persians
who though of a different ethnic identity, religion and language
shared the same culture. Geography determined in part their varying
political organization. But Greeks fought both with Darius III and
Xerxes as well as with Themistocles and Alexander.
The Persian defeat
at Salamis (480 B.C.) signaled a triumph of free states over an
imperial foreign monarchy. The same cannot be said about Gaugamela
(331 B.C.) - a battle between two kingdoms. Some call the hostile
takeover a marriage, others a rape. Alexander decisively defeated
Darius III and spread his empire from Egypt to India. Macedonians
were aware of the Greek victory of Salamis 150 years ago but how much
of role did it play on their lives? How much does the role of firing
of Fort Sumter play on the conscience of every day Americans? Also
Salamis threatened the Peloponnese not Macedonia.
Hanson links the
Roman empire with Greeks. But if one must strain to see the
contrasts between the Persian and the Macedonian, one needs to be
more flexible to discern how the Carthaginians are outside Western
Civilization. The Carthaginians shared the same religion and same
government as the Romans. In many ways, they were more free as they
did not have conscription among their laws. Thus they depended on
mercenary armies. Originally a Near Eastern peoples, they practiced
child human sacrifice - a practice odious to the Romans. Nonetheless
they had more in common than later day Roman revisionists like to
Cannae was a victory
for the Carthaginians. It is true that the Romans internalized that
defeat the same way a Texan would the Alamo. The defeat of Hannibal
was a victory of freeborn Romans against the mercenary armies of the
free and democratic city-state of Carthage. The Roman rightly puffs
his chest at recollecting Hannibal's fate when he bended his knee to
the rule of the Caesars or as he moved his chattels to Byzantium.
Nothing lasts forever that said the transfers of culture and history
from one generation to another are not addressed but just assumed by
Hanson stands on
firmer ground when he writes about Potiers and Tenochitlan. But
little is known about Potiers. In describing Tenochitlan, Hanson
refutes Diamond’s thesis every effectively by describing Spanish
warfare and Cortes’ genius for diplomacy and war. Unfortunately
Hanson’s praise for Spanish warfare and Cortes’ genius on its own
does not solely support his Western values thesis of technology and
reason. Cortes built an organization of men across nationalities of
differing languages, religions and civilizations for one purpose the
overthrow of Aztec empire. He was not a tech-head though he did
employ them using their skills to construct boats and siege works.
He was not a Renaissance philosopher who waxed on about free will and
the church. He had a Catholic education but injured himself falling
out of the window of a married woman and may have killed his first
wife Catalina Suarez. In this regard, Hanson’s characterization of
Occidentals being more efficient killers applies.
The examination of
Lepanto and Rourke's Drift in the course of Western civilization seem
too minor to validate Hanson’s thesis of cultural superiority. At
Rourke’s Drift, the British had breech loading rifles backing Jared
Diamond’s trinity of Guns, Germs and Steel except that the Zulus
massacred the British at Isandlwana. Lieutenants John Chard and
Gonville Bromhead deserve the credit for organizing and leading their
men in such a way to maximize firepower and save British lives. The
battle did not stop the war and it is doubtful what impact if any the
Anglo-Zulu war had on Western Civilization.
![]() |
Siege of Vienna September 11, 1683 A.D. |
Lepanto was a
significant battle between the West and the Ottoman Empire. But it
was not the most significant. The Turks rebuilt their fleet within a
year. Second, the Sieges of Vienna are more
important than Lepanto
in rolling back Ottoman prestige. Also Hanson is silent about the
French-Ottoman alliance and the alliances many Christian kingdoms had
with the Ottomans. Further, geography, Jared Diamond’s pet plays a
bigger part as Europe has significant borders to Islam that only now
being breeched by the migrant crisis.
![]() |
Zulu (1964) this movie recreates the Battle of Rourke's Drift (1871) |
Count Majlath :
As the years go by, the fortunes of these countries change as one
becomes stronger another becomes weaker.
Helene: But why?
Why can’t a strong country remain strong always?
Count Majlath:
Because strength in itself is a great danger. The fact that Austria
is as strong as she is today means that she has many enemies. No man
wishes to be dominated by another. People become angry and
The Fall
of Eagles (1974)19
![]() |
Zulu (1964) starring Michael Caine & Stanley Baker |
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the author with 3rd Battalion of 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne) in Halbjah, Iraq during Operation Viking Hammer circa March 2003 |
![]() |
The Virgin Mary with the infant Jesus |
The state of Texas
teaches high school students pathos, logos and ethos. Should we not
apply this high school test on modern scholarship? I was in the 75th
Ranger Regiment. The 75th enjoys a long lineage of being
very efficient killers. But the 75th Ranger Regiment
cannot give birth to a child. I went to Iraq with the 10th
Special Forces too. 10th Group cannot
teach a child the way a mother can. All great men or rather all men that other men make great started with babies feet. Too bad, the hand that rocks the cradle does not get the full credit for ruling the world.
teach a child the way a mother can. All great men or rather all men that other men make great started with babies feet. Too bad, the hand that rocks the cradle does not get the full credit for ruling the world.
![]() |
George Weigel |
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Saint Pope John Paul the Great |
In conclusion, the
explanation of 514 years of Western dominance cannot be attributed to
Diamond or Hanson's thesis, but that of the establishment and
maintenance of Catholic Church which is the last and best hope for
![]() |
Samuel Huntington's map of world civilizations |
Vanity of vanities!
All things are vanity! What profit has man from all the labor which
he toils at under the sun? One generation passes and another comes,
but the world forever stays. The sun rises and the sun goes down;
then it presses on to the place where it rises. Blowing now toward
the south, then toward the north, the wind turns again and again,
resuming its rounds. All rivers go to the sea, yet never does the
sea become full. To the place where they go, the rivers keep on
going. All speech is labored; there is nothing man can say. The eye
is not satisfied with seeing nor is the ear filled with hearing.
What has been, that will be; what has been done, that will be done.
Nothing is new under the sun.
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John. "Fall of Eagles Episode 01." YouTube. British
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and Victor Davis Hanson. "Victor Davis Hanson - Is the "War
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Hanson, Victor Davis. Carnage and
Culture: Landmark Battles in the Rise of Western Power. New York, NY:
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Victor Davis. "Is the War on Terror Over?"
RealClearPolitics. Tom Bevan and John McIntyre, 26 Apr. 2007. Web. 10
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Victor Davis. "Waging The War on 'Terror,' Vichy-style."
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"The Internet Classics Archive | The Odyssey by Homer." The
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Jeffrey (2000). Encyclopedia of White Power: A Sourcebook on the
Radical Racist Right. AltaMira Press. p. 539. ISBN 9780742503403.
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Genocide' Billboard Removed". NBC News. Retrieved 1 May 2015.
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Knoema, n.d. Web. 10 June 2016.
Bat. Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis. Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson
UP, 2005. Print.
John Morton Morton's Fork popularized the false dichotomy in the
late 15th century England. The Archbishop of Canterbury,
John Morton (1420 -1500) allied himself to King Henry VII. King
Henry VII levied large taxes to restore Royal Solvency.
Morton agreed: "If the subject is seen to live frugally, tell him because he is clearly a money saver of great ability, he can afford to give generously to the King. If, however, the subject lives a life of great extravagance, tell him he, too, can afford to give largely, the proof of his opulence being evident in his expenditure."
People familiar with Morton's infamous dilemma attached his assent with forks as forks at that time had two only prongs. History instructs with further irony that Henry VII sought harmony and fiscal responsibility his successor destroyed by the Church and the Exchequer.
Morton agreed: "If the subject is seen to live frugally, tell him because he is clearly a money saver of great ability, he can afford to give generously to the King. If, however, the subject lives a life of great extravagance, tell him he, too, can afford to give largely, the proof of his opulence being evident in his expenditure."
People familiar with Morton's infamous dilemma attached his assent with forks as forks at that time had two only prongs. History instructs with further irony that Henry VII sought harmony and fiscal responsibility his successor destroyed by the Church and the Exchequer.
7:16: By their fruits you will know them. Do people pick grapes from
thornbushes, or figs from thistles?
The New American Bible - IntraText. (n.d.). Retrieved June 10, 2016, from
The New American Bible - IntraText. (n.d.). Retrieved June 10, 2016, from
met Yali in Papua New Guinea in 1972 where Yali asked, “Why is it
that you white people developed so much cargo and brought it to New
Guinea, but we black people had little cargo of our own?” Cargo
meaning stuff. Yali was an interesting and complicated man who
served the British during the Second World War at great expense to
himself. After the war, he served time in prison.
Diamond, J., Guns, Germs and Steel, (1997),
Virago, 2005, p 13-15
and Hanson do not belong to the Frankfurt School. But if Academia
concedes a Marxist view of history, why not a Christian world view.
Greene makes this point in the Preface of his book. He writes:
“They might also lead them astray literally, taking them on a
journey, as Cleopatra lured Julius Caesar on a trip down the Nile.
Men would grow hooked on these refined, sensual pleasures — they
would fall in love. But then, invariably, the women would turn cold
and indifferent, confusing their victims. Just when the men wanted
more, they found their pleasures withdrawn. They would be forced
into pursuit, trying anything to win back the favors they once had
tasted and growing weak and emotional in the process. Men who had
physical force and all the social power — men like King David, the
Trojan Paris, Julius Caesar, Mark Antony, King Fu Chai — would
find themselves becoming the slave of a woman.
Greene, Robert. The Art of Seduction. New York, NY: Penguin, 2003. Print.
Greene, Robert. The Art of Seduction. New York, NY: Penguin, 2003. Print.
Percy Bysshe. "Ozymandias." The Literature Network. Jalic
Inc., n.d. Web. 10 June 2016.
GDP Ranking 2015 | Data and Charts." Https://
Knoema, n.d. Web. 10 June 2016.
8:36 What profit is there for one to gain the whole world and
forfeit his life?
The New American Bible - IntraText. (n.d.).
Retrieved June 10, 2016, from
is really startling about the theses of Hanson and Diamond is that
they make no concessions to culture. At least Diamond on his
website acknowledges the limitations of Geographical Determinism.
"The Internet Classics Archive | The Odyssey by Homer."
The Internet Classics Archive | The Odyssey by Homer. Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, n.d. Web. 10 June 2016.
Bat. Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis. Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson
UP, 2005. Print.
Paige Whaley (2013). From Freedom Fighters to Terrorists: Women and
Political Violence. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd. p. 90. ISBN
Kaplan, Jeffrey (2000). Encyclopedia of White
Power: A Sourcebook on the Radical Racist Right. AltaMira Press. p.
539. ISBN 9780742503403. Retrieved 1 May 2015.
Kivisto, Peter; Rundblad, Georganne (2000).
Multiculturalism in the United States: Current Issues, Contemporary
Voices. SAGE Knowledge. pp. 57–60. ISBN 9780761986485. Retrieved 1
May 2015.
Capehart, Jonathan. "A petition to ‘stop
white genocide’?". Washington Post. Retrieved 1 May 2015.
Perry, Barbara. "‘White Genocide’:
White Supremacists and the Politics of Reproduction."
Home-grown hate: Gender and organized racism (2001): 75-85.
"'White Genocide' Billboard Removed".
NBC News. Retrieved 1 May 2015.
Sexton, Jared (2008). Amalgamation Schemes:
Antiblackness and the Critique of Multiracialism. Univ Of Minnesota
Press. pp. 207–208. ISBN 0816651043. Retrieved 1 May 2015.
Robert. "Atheist Revolution: Atheism and White Power."
Atheism and White Power. Atheist Revolution!, 2 Nov. 2007. Web. 10
June 2016.
B. (2013, October 20). Jared Diamond - Guns, Germs, & Steel |
London Real. Retrieved June 16, 2016, from
am telling a joke. I made a pun that plays on the words reign and
rain. - the reign of Guns, Germs and Steel. Matthew 5:45 - for he
makes his sun rise on the bad and the good, and causes rain to fall
on the just and the unjust.
Diamond, J. (n.d.). Geographic determinism. Retrieved
June 16, 2016, from
is the first time in my life where someone described an act of
conscience as a failure. Von Stauffenberg did not succeed in the
assassination of Adolf Hitler any more than the Polish Home Army in
Warsaw Uprising. But we don't belittle the sacrifices of the brave
just because they do not succeed. It was very much in poor taste.
Hitler escaped over 20 attempts on his life. Why? Neither theses
from Hanson or Diamond explain this.
must be said that the public see Hanson's argument on Midway is the
strongest and Tet the weakest.
Shakespeare, W. (n.d.). The Merchant of Venice. Act II. Scene I. William Shakespeare. 1914. The Oxford Shakespeare. Retrieved June 10, 2016, from
Shakespeare, W. (n.d.). The Merchant of Venice. Act II. Scene I. William Shakespeare. 1914. The Oxford Shakespeare. Retrieved June 10, 2016, from
John. "Fall of Eagles Episode 01." YouTube. British
Broadcasting Company, 16 Jan. 2016. Web. 10 June 2016.
Jonathan. "Ansar Al-Islam: Back in Iraq." Middle East
Forum. Daniel Pipes, Winter 2004. Web. 10 June 2016.
and Victor Davis Hanson. "Victor Davis Hanson - Is the "War
on Terror" Really a War?" YouTube. ForaTv, 29 May 2007.
Web. 10 June 2016.
Hanson, Victor Davis. "Is the War on
Terror Over?" RealClearPolitics. Tom Bevan and John McIntyre,
26 Apr. 2007. Web. 10 June 2016.
Hanson, Victor Davis. "Waging The War on
'Terror,' Vichy-style." National Review Online. William F.
Buckley Jr., 14 Nov. 2015. Web. 10 June 2016.
George. Witness to Hope: The Biography of Pope John Paul II. New
York: Cliff Street, 1999. Print.
New American Bible - IntraText. (n.d.). Retrieved June 10, 2016,
James A. Bretney
Norwich University, Entrance Essay
June 9, 2016
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