Sunday, October 16, 2011

Timeline of the Life of Lucius Cornelius Sulla

Jugurthine War started - the legions under Quintus Caecilius Metellus had been unsuccessful
Nominated Quaestor to Gaius Marius

Gaius Marius elected Consul that year

Marius commanded the Army to prosecute the war against Jugurtha in Numidia in Northern Africa

Sulla captured the Numidian king be persuading King Bocchus I of Mauretania

The publicity boosts Sulla's career

The publicity annoys Marius

King Bocchus donated a gilded equestrian statue of Sulla in the Forum

Cimbri and Teutones War begins

Marius is the supreme commander

Sulla is the military tribune during the first half of the campaign

Sulla is transferred to the army of Marius' colleague to serve as his legatus and is credited as being the main advisor to Quintus Lutatius Catulus.  Catulus was regarded as a hopeless general and incapable of cooperating with Marius

Marius is elected Consul for the second time.
Marius is elected Consul for the third time.
Marius is elected Consul for the fourth time
Marius is elected Consul for the fifth time.
At the Battle of Vercellae, Marius defeats the Cimbri and the Teutones.
Marius is elected Consul for the sixth time.
Both Marius and Catulus celebrated triumphs.
Sulla elected Praetor Urbanus
The Senate and People of Rome appoint Sulla governor of the province of Cilicia.

Sulla was the first Roman magistrate to meet a Parthian ambassador Orobazus by sitting in between the ambassador of Pontus and Parthia

The King of Parthia executed Orobazus for being outmanoeuvered by Sulla.

A Chaldean seer told him that he would die at the height of his fame and fortune.

He repulsed Tigranes the Great of Armenia from Cappadocia

Returned from Cilicia to oppose Marius in the Optimate party
Tribune Marcus Livius Drusus the Younger intended to grant Roman citizenship to the Socii - Rome's Italian allies.
Assassins murder tribune Marcus Livius Drusus the Younger

War breaks out with the Italian Allies

The Optimates, fearing the ascendancy of Marius determine that he should not have overall command of the Army.

Sulla demonstrated military brilliance as a general outshining Marius and Gnaeus Pompeius Strabo (the father of Pompey)

Sulla captured Aeclanum, the chief town of the Hirpini by setting the wooden breastwork on fire

At the battle of Nola, Sulla rescues a legion.  The rescued legion award the highest military honor to Sulla - the Corona Graminea - the Grass Crown

The Senate and People of Rome elect Sulla as consul

Sulla marries his daughter, Cornelia Sulla to his son of his colleague Quintus Pompeius Rufus also named Quintus Pompeius Rufus and uncle to Aulus Rufus

The Asiatic Vespers - the Greeks slaughter 80,000 Greeks.

War breaks out in Asia and Greece.

300,000 Pontic hoplites surround the garrison of Bruttius Sura

Sulla and Quintus Pompeius Rufus block the legislation of tribune Publius Sulpicius Rufus that would ensure the rapid organization of the Italian Allies within Roman citizenship

Sulpicius finding an ally in Marius urged his supporters to riot

Sulla returned from Nola to meet Pompieus Rufus, but Sulpicious followers interrupted the meeting.

Sulpicius' followers killed the son of Pompeius Rufus and son-in-law to Sulla

Sulla takes refuge at the house of Marius

Marius forces Sulla to accept Marius' pro-Italian legislation

Marius promises to wipe out all of Sulpicius' debts

Sulpicus used the Assemblies to transfer the Eastern command to Marius

Sulpicius's supporters ejected the Senators from the Senate so as not to have a Quorum

Some of the nobles attempt to resist Sulpicius' mob violence

Sulpicius' gladiators defy the Senators

Marius envoys announce the change of command.

Sulla's legionnaires stone the envoys.

Sulla with 6 of his most loyal legions return to Rome

Most of his commanders with the exception of Sulla's kinsman by marriage Lucullus enter the city limits

Armed gladiators are no match against Roman soldiers

Marius offers freedom to any slave who will fight for him.

Three slaves join Marius's cause

Marius and his followers flee the city

Sulla returned the Rome.

Sulla declared Marius and his allies enemies of the state.

Sulla addressed the Senate in harsh tones justifying his actions

Sulla reorganized the government

Sulla then departs for Brundisium

Sulpicius was betrayed and killed by one of his slaves whom Sulla freed and executed.

Marius flees to Africa.

Sulla departs from Italy.

Sulla lands in Epirus (western Greece)

Marius returns and controls the city.

Sulla marches into Attica through Boeotia

Sulla regains the allegiance of many of the cities in particular Thebes

Sulla Lands in Dyrrachium, Greece

Sulla's objective is Athens

the puppet tyrant Aristion ruled Athens

Sulla's chief of Staff Lucullus scouted the way

Lucullus relieved the current commander Bruttius Sura

Sulla met with the Ambaassadors of all the major cities in Greece except Athens.

Sulla impressed on them Rome's determination to drive Mithridates out of Greece and Asia

Sulla marches on Athens

Sulla lays seige works around Athens and the port city of Piraeus

Sulla dispatches Lucullus to face Archelaus

Sulla cut down the scared groves of Greece.  He cut down everything within 100 miles of Athens

He borrowed money from the temples and Sibyls alike

Many refugees from Rome find their way to Sulla's camp

An embassy from Athens treats with Sulla: "I was sent to Athens, not to take lessons, but to reduce rebels to obedience."

Spies informed him that Aristion neglected the Hepachalcum.

Sappers brought down 900 feet of wall between the Sacred and Piraeic gates on the southwest of the city

A midnight sack of Athens began

Blood flowed in the streets

Sulla's greek friends Midias and Calliphon and the pleas of Roman senators

Sulla concentrates his forces against Archelaus in Piraeus.

Archelaus escapes and links up with Taxiles

Burns the port city to the ground

Sulla intercepts the Pontic Army at a hill called Philoboetus at Mount Parnassus overlooking the Elatean plain

Marius dies the day after his election

The Pontic Army under Taxiles number 120,000

Archeluas wanted a war of attrition

Taxlies had orders to attack at once.

Sulla ordered his men to dig in and occupy the ruined city of Parapotamii, which was impregnable and commanded the fords on the road to Chaeronea

Sulla abandoned the fords and moved behin the entrenched palisade

The Pontic chariots fail to break split the Roman center behind the palisade

The Ponic Phalanxes also fail

Archelaus' right wing threatened Sulla's left wing

Sulla is able to stablize is flank

Only 10,000 of the Army survive

Battle of Chaeronea

Battle of Orchomenus

Liberation of Macedonia, Asia and Cilicia provinces from Pontic occupation
Reorganization of Asia province
Returns to Italy and undertakes civil war against the factional Marian government
War with the followers of Caius Marius the younger and Cinna
Victory at the Battle of the Colline Gate
Appointed "dictator legibus faciendis et rei publicae constituendae causa"
Resigns the dictatorship before the end of the year
Holds the consulship (for the second time) with Quintus Caecilius Metellus Pius as colleague
Retires from political life, refusing the post consulatum provincial command of Gallia Cisalpina he was allotted as consul, but retaining the curatio for the reconstruction of the temples on the Capitoline Hill
Dies, perhaps of an intestinal ulcer. Funeral held in Rome

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this - as Sulla is one of my favorites from Ancient Rome!
