Sunday, July 24, 2011

A comment about the Roman Constitution

 The Roman Constitution is confusing because it coalesced over time.  The Roman gravitated toward conservatism because of the innovations in their lives.  Roman state was not conceived, deliberated over,  debated and compromised as our written Constitution.  The Romans, like all military men, improvised when the situation required it.  

We know that the Romans had contact with the Near East, the Greeks, the Gauls and other peoples of letters yet their Constitution has a unique stamp to it.

Also because their Constitution was unwritten it was easy to change.  All it required was a majority at the time or to merely violate the Constitution slightly if you will forgive the modern parlance "nudge."
I cannot emphasis enough how much innovation or improvisation had on the Roman mind.  The office of Consul invented in 509 BC. The Romans invented the office of Censor in 443 BC,  Praetor in 336 BC, Quaestor roughly 420 BC, Tribune and Aedile in 494 BC.  

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