Saturday, July 23, 2011

Patricians and Plebes in the Early Republic

 'The Roman Republic consisted of two basic orders: the Patricians and the Plebians. “These two groups would shape the culture of Rome with disagreement and discord. These two groups would develop a compromise over time, which was the driving force behind the evolution of the Roman constitution.' 1 The Patricians were the aristocrats and the Plebians were the commoners.

It is true that the Republic consisted of 2 orders at the time: Patricians and Plebians.  From the founding of Rome, it is hard to visualize the difference between a Patrician and Plebian for Livy, Dionysius and Plutarch tell us that Rome from its founding originated as safe-haven for Iron Age felons and crooks, a motley crew of pioneers, adventurers and rogues.

Romulus established the Patricians order on wealth or merit (depending on your definition of merit.)  The Patrician class unlike a warrior band at their origins were just the richest men of the bunch.  They weren't related to one another nor was their rank predicated on individual heroism or military prowess whereby the chief dispensed spoils to favorites as William the Conqueror or Charles Martel would.  Romulus needed to bind the 100 richest men to the state, the establishment of a patrician order served that purpose.

His grandfather suggested that he create a privy council such as a Senate to solicit their opinions on ideas he had to rule his Kingdom.  He also needed the support of these men to finance his military operations against his neighbors the Sabines, the Crustumini, Veii and Fidenae.  

Though conservatism and hierarchy mark Roman society, entropy and dynamism mark the Roman character.  Patricians may have stayed patricians, but just because you were born a patrician doesn't mean you were born to a life of Riley.  Catiline, Caesar and Sulla, though patricians began their lives in economically dubious circumstances.  Patricians and Plebians were equal before the law.  It makes sense that Roman Society inclined toward more hierarchical and conservative norms due to the instability of Romulan times.

When the Roman people expelled the last King of Rome in 509 BC, the Romans had no clear idea of what was next.  It makes sense that Roman Society inclined toward more hierarchical and conservative norms due to the instability of the new Republic.

Patrician power coalesced over time and met resistance, had been pealed back and advanced during various points of the history of Rome due to the personalities of the times.

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